Parish Forms

Following is a list of all the Parish form. They are in a PDF format which means you can review them, find the correct form you need, download it, fill it out and call the Parish office for an appointment or walk it in and speak with the receptionist.

Requirements for Baptismal / Requistios para el Bautismo

Includes the baptism requirements (English & Spanish)

Baptismal Requirements Form



Baptismal Form

Application for Baptism


Baptism Form

Certificate Request

You may request a Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation or Marriage Certificate with this form

Certificate Request Form


Family Registration

This form is to register as a new member of our Parish community

 Family Registration Form


Guidelines for Quincianere Celebration

Includes guidelines, information sheet and registration form

Grotto Rosary Brick Sale Form

Form to order bricks for the Grotto Rosary

Women's Group

Sister’s in Faith


Letter Request

Child’s Sacrament Sponsor

Ministries Request Form

Form for ministries to request: Pulpit Talk, Fundraising, Reserve Room for Meeting or Event

Request for Facilities


Verification Letter

Verifies: Baptismal Instruction Attendance, Registered Parishioner, child sponsorship and permission to receive sacraments